2 resultados relacionados con "Wild,Christian".
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Artículo de revista
Patterns and trends in coral reef macroalgae browsing: a review of browsing herbivorous fishes of the Indo-Pacific

Life Sciences, Climate change, Camera-based surveys, Zoology, Overfishing, Freshwater & Marine Ecology, Herbivory, Macroalgae-feeding assay, Resilience, Studies, Coral reefs, Fish, Fishery sciences, Foraging behavior, Aquatic ecosystems

Año de publicación: 2016

Artículo de revista
Ocean acidification alters the calcareous microstructure of the green macro-alga Halimeda opuntia

Carbon dioxide, Oceanography, Life Sciences, ocean acidification, Algae, Freshwater & Marine Ecology, Seawater, Carbonate sediments, Acidification, SEM, Marine cementation, Biomineralization, Microstructure

Año de publicación: 2015