4 resultados relacionados con "Nagelkerken,Ivan".
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Artículo de revista
Animal behaviour shapes the ecological effects of ocean acidification and warming: moving from individual to community‐level responses

vents, life stages, community structure, global change, species interactions, adaptation, behavioural traits, mesocosms, population dynamics, Behavior, Animal, Global Warming, Animals, Climate Change, Seawater - chemistry, Aquatic Organisms - physiology, Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, Acidification, Animal behavior

Año de publicación: 2016

Artículo de revista
Who's hot and who's not: ocean warming alters species dominance through competitive displacement

Animals, Climate Change, Fishes - classification, Fishes - physiology, Ecosystem, Ocean, Global temperature changes, Ecosystems, Fishes

Año de publicación: 2013

Artículo de revista
Antagonistic effects of ocean acidification and warming on hunting sharks

Hunting, Ocean acidification, Analysis, Sharks, Acidification, Predation, Marine conservation, Ocean temperature

Año de publicación: 2017

Artículo de revista
Boosted food web productivity through ocean acidification collapses under warming

Climate change, Carbon dioxide, Climate, Temperature effects, Food chains, Fisheries, community structure, temperature, Fish, ocean acidification, dynamics, food webs, High temperature, interactions, LEVELS, Algae, Invertebrates, Anthropogenic factors, Stability, productivity, Predators, Prey, Food chain, Primary production, mesocosm, Acidification, Tertiary...

Año de publicación: 2017