3 resultados relacionados con "Laplante,Benoit".
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Artículo de revista
Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Wetlands

Geography, Coastal landforms, Economic analysis, Landforms, Marshes, Economic value, Geomorphology, Environmental sciences, Fresh water, Wetlands, Limnology, Topography, Environmental studies, Economics, Coasts, Geology, Earth sciences, Sea level rise, Economic research, REPORT, Sea level, Geologic processes, Altimetry, Land, Swamps, Hydrology, Climate chang...

Año de publicación: 2014

Artículo de revista
Exposure of developing countries to sea-level rise and storm surges

Earth Sciences, Meteorology/Climatology, Developing countries, Environmental aspects, Canada, Storm surges, Sea level, United States, Climate change, Tidal waves, Environmental impact, Ocean temperature, Developing countries--LDCs

Año de publicación: 2011

Artículo de revista
Confronting the Environmental Kuznets Curve

Law, Economic disciplines, World Bank, Countries, Pollution control, Developing countries, Political geography, Environmental economics, Environmental engineering, Engineering, Banks, Environmental studies, Administrative law, Environmental regulation, Civil engineering, Economics, Human geography, Environmental pollution, Green economics, Social sciences, B...

Año de publicación: 2002