2 resultados relacionados con "Arrigo,Nils".
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Artículo de revista
A macro‐ecological perspective on crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) photosynthesis evolution in Afro‐Madagascan drylands: Eulophiinae orchids as a case study

Climate change, Global temperature changes, Analysis, Niche (Ecology), Physiological aspects, Genetic research, Case studies, Photosynthesis, Phytochemistry, rchidaceae, CAM, adagascar, frica, ulophiinae, crassulacean acid metabolism, shift of niche, Carboxylic Acids - metabolism, Orchidaceae - physiology, Computer-aided manufacturing

Año de publicación: 2015

Artículo de revista
Climate oscillations and species interactions: large‐scale congruence but regional differences in the phylogeographic structures of an alpine plant and its monophagous insect

Climate change, Climate, Global temperature changes, Museums, Models, Analysis, Biological diversity conservation, Evolutionary biology, Europe, Alpine ecosystems, Genes, Herbivores, Mitochondrial DNA, AFLP, Spatial genetic structure, Beetles, Quaternary, phylogeography, Climate cycles, Anopheles, random walk model, Peucedanum ostruthium, Oreina gloriosa, co...

Año de publicación: 2012