Climate change, Adaptation, Extreme weather, Grassland, Meadows, Plant-climate interactions, Climatic events, Phenotypes, Provenances, Within-species variability
Vegetation, PE&RC, Vegetation classification, Natuurbeheer en Plantenecologie, Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, Plantenecologie en Natuurbeheer, Nature Conservation and Plant Ecology, Syntaxonomy, Azonal vegetation, Order, Algal communities, Alliance, International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature, Thallophyte vegetation, Zonal vegetation, Bryoph...
Phytosociology, Dry grassland, Festuco‐Brometea, Festucetalia valesiacae, Brometalia erecti, Galietalia veri, Vegetation‐plot database, Syntaxonomy, Diagnostic species, Stipo‐Festucetalia pallentis, TWINSPAN
MANAGEMENT, Grazing, Grassland, Vegetation plot, Meadow, Vegetation classification, Mowing, Pasture, Relevé, Phytosociology, Vegetation database