3 resultados relacionados con "Van Rooij,David".
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Methane and climate change

Año de publicación: 2010

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The Holocene occurrence of cold water corals in the NE Atlantic: Implications for coral carbonate mound evolution

Climate, Coral reefs and islands, Earth Sciences, Sciences of the Universe, Carbonates, carbonate mound, U-series dating, deep sea corals, Rockall Bank, Porcupine Seabight

Año de publicación: 2009

Artículo de revista
Decadal changes in the mid-depth water mass dynamic of the Northeastern Atlantic margin (Bay of Biscay)

North Atlantic Oscillation, Physics, Earth Sciences, Sciences of the Universe, Geophysics, Sea-water, Climate cycles, Calcite crystals, Mass spectrometry, Magnetic alloys, Rare earth metals

Año de publicación: 2013