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2 resultados relacionados con "Trevor C. Lantz".
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Artículo de revista
Warming-Induced Shrub Expansion and Lichen Decline in the Western Canadian Arctic

Dendrology, Water, Marine botany, Climatology, Lichens, Tundras, Ecosystems, Environmental sciences, Greening, Biology, Engineering, Botany, Shrubs, Environmental studies, Astronautics, Social sciences, Algae, Plant ecology, Landsat, Images, Biomes, Communications, Earth sciences, Ecology, Climate models, Ice, Atmospheric sciences, Phycology, Aerospace engin...

Año de publicación: 2014

Artículo de revista
Early Jurassic climate change and the radiation of organic-walled phytoplankton in the Tethys Ocean

Año de publicación: 2005