Macaronésia, Analysis, Paleoclimatology, Oceano Atlântico, Paleoceanography, Azores, Sciences of the Universe, Holocene, Paleogeography, Interglacial periods, Evolução climática /Clima, Governo_Açores
Environment, Climate, Medio ambiente, Models, Analysis, Remote sensing, Predictions, Air Pollutants - analysis, Epidemics, Clima, Africa, sistemas de información geográfica, climat, environnement, Aerosols - analysis, Meningitis, détection à distance, detección remota, geographic information system, méningite méningococcale, Epidemias, system d'information g...
Greenhouse gases, Methane, Ecosystem services, nitrous oxide, emission factor, Pulsing hydrology, Aquatic macrophytes, Total nitrogen, Total organic carbon
legume taxonomy, nodule morphology and structure, legume flowers, evolution of nodulation, rhizobial diversity, nitrogen fixation, ammonia factories, terminally differentiated bacteroids, Tissues, Photosynthesis, Ecosystems, Cells, Heavy metals, Bacteroids, Tropical regions, Agricultural production, Climatic changes, Arid environments, Biological diversity,...