ArcticOcean, satellitealtimetry, tidegauge, sealevelreconstruction, Reconstruction, Oceans, Methodology, Measuring instruments, Altimeters, Ice, Oceanography, Sea level, Tides, Gauges, Mean sea level, Tide gauges, Satellites, Datum (elevation), Satellite altimetry, Satellite data, Polar environments, Quality, Yield, Coastal environments
Air Pollutants - analysis, Environmental Monitoring, Global Warming, Climate Change, Arctic Regions, Pentanes - analysis, Volatile Organic Compounds - analysis, Hemiterpenes - analysis, Butadienes - analysis, Greenland, Wetlands
Physical, Upwelling and convergences, Air/sea interactions, Arctic and Antarctic oceanography, General, Oceanography, Continental shelf and slope processes, Climate and interannual variability
Food security, Climatic change, poverty, Groundwater, Irrigation, Storage, Institutions, Investment, performance
Estimates, Fish, Gene expression, Stress, Clothing, Toxicity, Metabolism, environmental stress, Aquatic environment, Ecotoxicology, Salmon, Salmonid, Maximum metabolic rate, Respirometry, Gas exchange, Consumer products, Metabolic rate, Trout, Washing machines, Residuos, Environmental toxicology
North Atlantic Oscillation, Environmental aspects, Global temperature changes, eutrophication, Climate cycles