2 resultados relacionados con "Susan E. Hartley".
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Artículo de revista
How do nutrients and warming impact on plant communities and their insect herbivores? A 9-year study from a sub-Arctic heath: Warming impacts on a sub-Arctic heath community

Año de publicación: 2002

Artículo de revista
How Do Nutrients and Warming Impact on Plant Communities and Their Insect Herbivores? A 9-Year Study from a Sub-Arctic Heath

Dendrology, Health sciences, Ecosystem dynamics, Trophic levels, Ecosystems, Zoology, Shrublands, Biology, Heterotrophs, Biomass, Medical sciences, Phytophagous insects, Nutritional science, Botany, Shrubs, Arthropods, Dietetics, Subshrubs, Dietary supplements, Biomes, Ecology, Plants, Nitrogen, Human ecology, Trophic dynamics, Chemistry, Animals, Insects, D...

Año de publicación: 2002