Macaronesia, Earth Sciences, Oceanography, Océano Atlántico, Geochemistry, Azores, Precipitation (Meteorology), Sciences of the Universe, Sea-water, Mid-ocean ridges, Black smokers, EMSO-Azores, Hydrothermal, Hydrothermal fluids, Hydrothermal systems (Geology), Hydroxides, Magnetic alloys, Neodymium isotopes, Rare earth elements, Rare earth metals, Sulfate m...
MOC, radiocarbon, overturning, reservoir age, Younger Dryas, circulation
Drake Passage, Central American Seaway, neodymium, Panama closure, AMOC, ACC onset, Ocean circulation, Isotopes, Ocean currents
Rare earth metals, Global temperature changes, Tracers (Biology), Ocean circulation, Continental margins, Ocean, Models, Magnetic alloys, Rivers, Sea-water, Salinity
CO2, CO 2, global warming, climate change, greenhouse effect, greenhouse effect gases, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, carbon dioxide
Climate change, Global temperature changes, Research, Scientists, Meetings
Climate change, Biogeochemistry
Climate tipping points, GHG emission reduction, Integrated assessment modeling
CO2, CO 2, global warming, climate change, greenhouse effect, greenhouse effect gases, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, carbon dioxide
Geography, North Atlantic Oscillation, Environmental aspects, Global temperature changes, Analysis, Atmospheric carbon dioxide, Geographers, Solar energy
CO2, CO 2, global warming, climate change, greenhouse effect, greenhouse effect gases, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, carbon dioxide
250902 Contaminación atmosférica, Calentamiento global y cambio climático., 4215 Oceanography: General: Climate and interannual variability (3309), 1223 Ocean/Earth/atmosphere/hydrosphere/cryosphere interactions
Archaeology, Editors, Cultural heritage