Ecology, Biogeography, Research, Methods, Physiological aspects, local adaptation, Phylogenetics, Herbivores, Aquatic plants, Foraging behavior, Herbivory - physiology, Metabolites, Plant Extracts - chemistry, Marine algae, Sea urchins, Foraging, Seaweed - chemistry, Plant defenses, Plant-animal interactions, Secondary metabolites, tropical vs. temperate her...
Climate change, Foods, Migration, Food, Biotic interactions, Herbivores, latitude, Algae, Metabolites, Marine algae, Crabs, Crustaceans, Calcification, Comparative analysis, LATITUDINAL GRADIENT, Sea urchins, Herbivory, Prey, Food and nutrition, Macroalgae, Phytogeography, Seaweeds, diffuse coevolution, herbivore, Plant-animal interactions, Palatability, Sec...
Freshwater & Marine Ecology; Environment; Marine & Freshwater Sciences; Oceanography; Zoology; Microbiology; Biological research; Biology, Experimental; Fouling of ship bottoms; Red algae; Environmental aspects; Fouling; Antifouling; Aquatic organisms; Dialysis; Membranes; Marine biology; Nonnative species; Nutrients; Tubes; Chemical compounds; Fjords; Antif...