Hydrogels - chemistry, Mesenchymal Stromal Cells - cytology, Mesenchymal Stromal Cells - metabolism, Pectins - chemistry, Silk - chemistry
3D‐VAR ocean reanalysis--habitat suitability--index model--neon flying squid--warm core ring, Dewey: 639.2, Fishery oceanography--Periodicals
Nautilus, Zoology, Cuttlefish, Animal ethics, Housing, Octopus, Capture, Cephalopods, Life Sciences, Hydrobiology, Squid, Animal welfare, Handling, Animals
Environment, Earth Sciences, Dewey: 550, LCC: D198
Environment, Life Sciences, Dewey: 580, LCC: PN3311
Environment, Life Sciences, Dewey: 581, LCC: QK1
Muscle, Skeletal - physiology, Isometric Contraction - physiology, Electric Stimulation Therapy - methods, Physical Education and Training - methods, Skeletal - anatomy & histology, Aging - physiology, Muscle Strength - physiology
Threat factors, Conservation research, World islands, Conservation policies, Endangerment, Global network, Threat factors, Conservation research, World islands, Conservation policies, Endangerment, Global network
Benzofurans - toxicity, Polychlorinated Biphenyls - analysis, Humans, Dibenzofurans, Polychlorinated, Environmental Exposure - analysis, Electronic Waste, Environmental Exposure - adverse effects, Dioxins - toxicity, Benzofurans - analysis, Polychlorinated Biphenyls - toxicity, Asia, Developing Countries, Dioxins - analysis, Environmental Pollutants - toxici...
Naphthalenes - chemistry, Pilot Projects, Incineration, Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated - chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated - toxicity, Refuse Disposal
Analysis, Seawater - chemistry, Anthozoa - physiology, Corals, Universities and colleges, Anthozoa - metabolism, Chlorophyll, Photosynthesis, Fluorescence, Sea-water, Calcification, Phytochemistry, Chlorophyta - physiology, Acids - metabolism, Physiologic - physiology