Coastal ecology, Marine eutrophication
Temperature effects, species richness, Biological diversity, Data processing, Biodiversity, temperature, Fish, Optimization, Species diversity, Species, Spatial discrimination, Environmental factors, Mathematical analysis, Anthropogenic factors, Place preferences, Niches, Nutrient concentrations, coral reef, drivers of fish species richness, sampling bias, T...
Climate change, Ecology, Global temperature changes, Analysis, Physiological aspects, Chlorophyll, growth rate, Mesocosms, Closed ecological systems, Fjords, Skeletonema marinoi, Phytoplankton community composition
Environment, Annual variations, Ecology, general, Coastal Sciences, Carbon, Environmental management, Chlorophyll, Seasons, Biomass, Freshwater & Marine Ecology, Summer, Seasonal variations, Plankton, Water and Health, Phytoplankton, Coastal environments, Zooplankton, Temperate regions, Correlation, Chlorophylls, Grazing, Primary production, spring, Annual,...