2 resultados relacionados con "Pettigrove,Vincent".
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Artículo de revista
The occurrence of microplastic in specific organs in commercially caught fishes from coast and estuary area of east China

Año de publicación: 2019

Artículo de revista
Detecting copper toxicity in sediments: from the subindividual level to the population level

MORTALITY, Aquatic ecosystems, Gene expression, Survival, Biomarkers, Populations, Laboratories, Toxicity, Exposure, Copper, Sediments, Organisms, Metabolites, Chemicals, Snails, Change detection, Abundance, mesocosm, Biota, microcosm, chironomids, transsulfuration, copper toxicity, sediment toxicity, cysteine metabolism, metabolomics, Toxicants, Sediment co...

Año de publicación: 0