Macaronésia, Oceano Atlântico, Azores, Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), Native forest, Juniperus brevifolia, Picconia azorica, Semi-natural and intensive pastures, Monitorização, Mac 2014-2020, Planclimac, Governo_Açores, Macaronesia
Environment, Atmospheric Protection/Air Quality Control/Air Pollution, Hydrogeology
Life Sciences, Social impact assessment, Traditional communities, Marine protected areas, Freshwater & Marine Ecology, Oceanography, Bahamas, Coral reefs, Community
Geography, Proteobacteria, Applied anthropology, Geomorphology, Microbiology, Molecular genetics, Environmental sciences, Genes, Cultural anthropology, Evolutionary genetics, Anthropology, Biology, Cultural institutions, Population genetics, Bodies of water, Biological taxonomies, Taxa, Bacterioplankton, Marine environments, Ocean tides, Plankton, rRNA genes...
Models, Theoretical, Climate, Humans, Middle Aged, Knowledge, Young Adult, Climate Change, Rural Population, Technology, Adolescent, Adult, Alaska, Environment, Aged, Conservation of Natural Resources, Water Supply, Perceptions, Models, Clean technology, Environmental education, Public aspects of medicine, Medicine, RA1-1270, technology-induced environmental...
Marine biology, Ocean, Oceanography, Photosynthesis, Analysis, Climate change, Ecology, Plankton, Algae
Temperature, Gene Library, Soil Microbiology, Biota, Phylogeny, Mycorrhizae - growth & development, Bacteria - genetics, Bacteria - growth & development, Carbon Cycle, Mycorrhizae - genetics, Climate Change, DNA, Ribosomal Spacer - genetics, Arctic Regions, Ecosystem, Soil - chemistry, Betula
DNA, Archaeal - genetics, Bacteria, Aerobic - genetics, Drug Resistance, Bacterial, Phylogeny, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Bacteria, Aerobic - growth & development, Genetic Variation, Geologic Sediments - microbiology, Electrophoresis, Agar Gel, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Geologic Sediments - chemistry, Metals, Heavy - analysis, RNA, Bacterial - genetics, RNA, R...
empowerment, watershed, Education, Educational Technology, cross-cultural, Technology Education, action research, Science Education, monitoring
Marine environment, DPSIR framework, Ecosystem services and societal benefits, The Ecosystem Approach, Conservation of Natural Resources - methods, Environmental Policy, Oceans and Seas, Systems Analysis, Ecosystem, Environment, United Kingdom, Social Environment, Biodiversity
Animals, Bacteria - genetics, Bacteria - metabolism, Biodegradation, Biofilms - drug effects, Environment, Humans, Marine Biology, Microorganisms, Plastics, Plastics - adverse effects, Plastics - chemistry, Polymers - chemistry, Research, RNA sequencing, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S, Seawater - chemistry, Usage, Waste Products, Water Pollutants, Chemical - adverse ef...
Ethnography, Archaeology, Oral history, Fisheries, Commercial fishing, Fish, Book reviews, Research, Fishing, Native North Americans
Nitrification - physiology, Oceans and Seas, Papua New Guinea, Seawater - microbiology, Ammonia - metabolism, Rhodobacteraceae - classification, Carbon Dioxide - analysis, Archaea - classification, Microbial Consortia, Volcanic Eruptions, Flavobacteriaceae - classification, Geologic Sediments - microbiology, Archaea - metabolism, Nitrogen Cycle - physiology,...
Climate, Health, United States, Humans, Greenhouse Effect, Public Health - methods, Local Government, Program Development, Hospitals, Disaster Planning, Perception, Surveys and Questionnaires, Health Policy, Medical personnel, Outdoor air quality, Departments, Climate effects, Communities, Environmental health, Perceptions, Public policy, Disease control, En...
Bacteria - growth & development, Global Warming, Microbiota, Seawater - microbiology, Temperature, Climate Change, Atlantic Ocean, Seasons, Plankton - growth & development, Spain
Educational leadership, Estudio y enseñanza
Ice Cover, Global Warming - history, Formations (Geology), Interglacial periods, Ice sheets, Rock formations, Environmental aspects, Geology, Stratigraphic, Climatic changes, Research, Climate change, Temperature, Hypotheses, Global warming, Stratigraphy, Sea level, Ice age, Glaciology, Earth Sciences, Sciences of the Universe, Ocean, Atmosphere
Climate change, Adaptation, Medicine, Public health, Epidemics, RA1-1270, Public aspects of medicine, Ghana, Meningitis, Meningococcal - prevention & control, meningitis belt, cerebrospinal meningitis
Studies, Sustainable development, Developing countries–LDCs, Community development, Business education, RESEARCH & REVIEWS, Service learning, Estudio y enseñanza
Social work
Climate change, Global warming, Sea level, Decision making, Theory
Bacteria - growth & development, Water Purification - methods, Fungi - growth & development, Bioreactors - microbiology, Archaea - growth & development, Waste Water - microbiology, Sodium Chloride - isolation & purification
cambio climático, Climate change, Agriculture, Crops, Drought, Environmental aspects, Climatic changes, Economic aspects, Environmental protection, climate variability, Irrigation, Heat, Agricultural development projects, Natural resources, el servicio climático, el Niño-Oscilación del Sur, climate service agricultura, El Niño-Southern Oscillation, variabili...
Climate change, Atmospheric Sciences, Climatic changes, Earth Sciences, Climate Change Impacts, Case studies, Mental health
Climate change, Methane, Methanogens, Discontinuous permafrost, McrA, Palsa, Peatland succession
Climate change, Adaptation, Studies, Geography, Inuit, Health care, Mental health, Climatic changes, Inuit, Education, Demographic aspects, Study and teaching, Resilience (Personality trait), Workshops (Educational programs), Community leadership, Video tapes in education
MANAGEMENT, Public administration, Military studies
Climate change, Groundwater, Basins, Renewable energy, Water resources management, Ghana, Environmental sustainability engineering, Illegal mining, Water weeds
Climate change, Birds, Museums, Ecosystems, Birds - physiology, Fossils, Stratigraphy, Provenance, Birds - classification, Metadata
Climate change, Perceptions, Climatic changes, Social aspects, Emergency management, Inuit, Methods, Aquatic ecology, Human influences, Safety and security measures, Water quality
551.46, Dewey: 551.46
333.72098665, Dewey: 333.72098665
Medicine, Native peoples, Ethnomedicine, Phytotherapy - methods, Traditional - methods, Population Groups - statistics & numerical data, Ethnopharmacology - methods, Medicine, Native peoples, Ethnomedicine, Phytotherapy - methods, Traditional - methods, Population Groups - statistics & numerical data, Ethnopharmacology - methods
Cultural anthropology, School administration, Estudio y enseñanza, Estudio y enseñanza
Uncertainty, cmip5, Verification, Prediction, Decadal
Environmental health, Public health, Microbiology
Geography, Environmental justice, WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Community, Funding, Social activism, Consent, Mens health, Social justice, Politics, Disease control, Disease prevention, Distributive justice, Health disparities
Science, Carbon, Society, Migration, Isotopes, Diet, Proteins, Islamic law, Muslims, Mineralogy, Nutrition, Females, Mobility, Males, Editors, Strontium isotopes, Christians, Christian Islamic relations, Gypsum, Early Middle Ages, Petrology, Strontium, Colonies & territories, Bedrock
Environmental conditions, Ecosystems, Taxonomy, Corals, Coral reefs, Pathogens, Winter, Seasons, Symbiosis, Seasonal variations, Marine environment, Community composition, Colonies & territories, Symbionts
Climate change, Biological diversity, Endangered & extinct species, Trees, Gardens & gardening
Seasonal variations, Sampling, Antarctica, North Atlantic, I, marine, Desalination plants, Q5 08502:Methods and instruments, O 1070:Ecology/Community Studies, Long-term records, Quantitative distribution, Meroplankton, Plankton collecting devices, Plankton surveys, Q1 08604:Stock assessment and management, ASFA 3: Aquatic Pollution & Environmental Quality, O...
History, Architecture, Historic Preservation General, Adaptive Reuse & Renovation, Estudio y enseñanza
Climate change, Risk, Climate, Water supply, Groundwater, Urbanization, POLLUTANTS, desalination, Managers, Seawater, Learning, freshwater, risk analysis, article, Prices, greenhouse gas emissions
conservation biology, enemy pressure and mutualism of coexisting species, niche breadth, evolution and conservatism, hybridization, assembly of present and fossil communities, competition, Life Sciences, Biodiversity, Environmental Sciences, Biodiversity and Ecology, Botanics, Vegetal Biology
Studies, Public health, Economic policy, Human immunodeficiency virus–HIV, Medicine & Public Health, Tanzania, Public Finance & Economics, Contingent valuation, Incentives, Sub-Saharan Africa, HIV testing, Health Care Management, Health Economics, Willingness to accept, Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes, Medical screening, Monetary incentives, Estudio y...