Interglacial periods, North Atlantic, Bio-construction, Last Interglacial, Rhodophyta, Volcanic oceanic islands, Evolução climática /Clima, Monitorização, Mac 2014-2020, Planclimac, Interreg, Governo_Açores, Macaronesia
Ecology, Analysis, Ocean bottom, Ocean, Azores, Basalt, Pico Island, Coralline red algae, Epibionts, Shelf transport, Monitorização, Governo_Açores
Books, Book reviews, Nonfiction, Fisheries management, Aquatic ecosystems
chronic stress, recovery, coral recovery, coral reefs, coral disease, Oceans and Seas, Temperature, Animals, Anthozoa - growth & development, Climate Change, Australia, Measurement, Sea surface, Climate, Ecosystem disturbance, Data recovery, Temperature effects, Tropical environment, Mathematical models, Heat stress, Residual effects, Coastal environments, S...
Microplastic, Settling experiments, Shadowgraphy, Sub-mm particle size, Terminal sinking velocity
Environment, Agriculture, Social Sciences, Ecology, Economics, Conservation biology, Sustainable development, Biology, Environmental Economics, Economic Theory, Natural resource management, Environmental management, Sustainable agriculture, Biological Sciences, Economic development, Information science, Books, Applied Ecology, Environmental Studies, Informat...
Dewey: 639.2, 639.2, Aquaculture Climatic factors., Fisheries Climatic factors.
Climatic changes, Economic aspects, Internationale Umweltpolitik, Umweltpolitik, Welt, Government policy, Electronic books, local, climate policy, game theory, global warming, Klimaschutz, Theorie
Global warming, Climatic changes, Economic aspects, Government policy, local, Game Theory, Electronic books, Climate policy, Welt, Umweltpolitik, Internationale Umweltpolitik, Theorie, Klimaschutz
Archaeology, Editors, Cultural heritage
Stars, Cosmology, Relativity (Physics)
Climate change, Environment, Greenhouse effect, Light, Ecology, general, Coastal Sciences, Global temperature changes, Analysis, temperature, Environmental management, estuaries, Aquatic plants, Freshwater & Marine Ecology, Grasses, Water and Health, Seagrass, estuary, Turbidity, Chesapeake Bay
Human ecology, Sustainable development, Environmental Economics, development, etc, Handbooks, manuals, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Estudio y enseñanza, Estudio y enseñanza