Sustainable development, Analysis, Planning, Women's rights, Health, Females, Egypt, Sexual reproduction, Access, Rights, Civil society, article, Ensuring the inclusion of SRHR and gender equality, FEATURE, Cairo, sexual and reproductive health and rights post-2015 development framework ICPD Beyond 2014 sustainable development goals UNFPA UN Secretary-Genera...
Children & youth, Food supply, MORTALITY, Sustainable development, Analysis, China, Children, Women, Egypt, Integrated approach, Low income groups, Bangladesh, Nepal, Ethiopia, Childrens health, Cambodia, Health care reform, Rwanda, Child mortality, Accountability, Maternal mortality, Estudio y enseñanza, Estudio y enseñanza
Research, Water, Health facilities, Sanitation, Hygiene
Sustainable development, Analysis, Health, Sexual Behavior, Human rights, constraints, Sexual reproduction, Access, Rights, article, Limitations, ISSUES IN CURRENT POLICY, The health goal and the right to health, universal health coverage development policy framework human rights health care financing sustainable development goals sexual and reproductive hea...
Health policy, Sustainable development, Intervention, Case studies, Mothers, Patient outcomes, development aid, Sexual reproduction, Rights, Sexual Inequality, Mortality Rates, article, Development Strategies, Health Care Costs, sexual and reproductive health and rights Millennium Development Goals post-2015 development goals aid effectiveness Lao PDR Malawi...
International organizations, GOVERNANCE, Sustainable development, Forecasts and trends, Intervention, Health, Civil society, article, Sustainable urban development, ISSUES IN CURRENT POLICY, The health goal and the right to health, Health Care Services, Interest Groups, globalization complexity science sustainable development goals global health governance g...
Public health, Health aspects, Sustainable development, International economic relations, Tobacco industry
legume taxonomy, nodule morphology and structure, legume flowers, evolution of nodulation, rhizobial diversity, nitrogen fixation, ammonia factories, terminally differentiated bacteroids, Tissues, Photosynthesis, Ecosystems, Cells, Heavy metals, Bacteroids, Tropical regions, Agricultural production, Climatic changes, Arid environments, Biological diversity,...
Climate change, Climate, precipitation, Rainfall, Climatology, Aridity, Temperature effects, Weather, CONSERVATION, Birds, species richness, Biological diversity, National parks, Vegetation, Deforestation, Biodiversity, Environmental conditions, Geographical distribution, Precipitation (Meteorology), River basins, community structure, Hydrology, Predation, A...