Global warming, Greenhouse effect, Ecology, Biological diversity, Reptiles & amphibians, Environmental aspects, Models, Analysis, Niche (Ecology), Life Sciences, Plant Sciences, Evolutionary biology, Forests, Amphibians, Protection and preservation, Tree Biology, Dispersal, Reserve network, Ecological niche models
Global warming, Greenhouse effect, Environmental aspects, Analysis, Land use, Wildlife conservation, Protection and preservation
CONSERVATION, species richness, ENDEMISM, Biological diversity, Flowers & plants, Mountains, Altitudes, elevational gradients, Neotropics, mid‐domain effect, Guayana, vascular plants, generalized additive models, CONSERVATION, species richness, ENDEMISM, Biological diversity, Flowers & plants, Mountains, Altitudes, elevational gradients, Neotropics, mid‐doma...
Climate change, Biological diversity, Ecosystems, Flowers & plants, Teaching methods, Butterflies & moths
Climate change, Biological diversity, Ecosystems, Flowers & plants, Teaching methods, Butterflies & moths, Climate change, Biological diversity, Ecosystems, Flowers & plants, Teaching methods, Butterflies & moths
Climate change, Reptiles & amphibians, Global temperature changes, Evolution, Analysis, Niche (Ecology), Amphibians, Protection and preservation, Phylogenetics
Climate change, Greenhouse effect, Conservation biology, Habitats, Reptiles & amphibians, Global temperature changes, Analysis, Mathematical models, Niche (Ecology), Life Sciences, Plant Sciences, Evolutionary biology, species distribution models, Amphibians, Animal populations, Tree Biology, Climate change adaptation, Marxan, Biomes, Ecological niche models...