Paleontology, Macaronésia, Oceano Atlântico, Azores, Fossils, Bioerosion, Carbonates, Geosites, Trace fossils, Ichnology, Monitorização, Governo_Açores
Interglacial periods, North Atlantic, Bio-construction, Last Interglacial, Rhodophyta, Volcanic oceanic islands, Evolução climática /Clima, Monitorização, Mac 2014-2020, Planclimac, Interreg, Governo_Açores, Macaronesia
Ecology, Analysis, Ocean bottom, Ocean, Azores, Basalt, Pico Island, Coralline red algae, Epibionts, Shelf transport, Monitorização, Governo_Açores
Higher education, Education Policy, Estudio y enseñanza
Amphibians West Indies., Herpetology West Indies., Reptiles West Indies.
BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION, Biogeography, Biology, Global Change, Extinction, Community ecology, island evolution, island biogeography theory, research priorities, island biology, island macroecology
Environmental aspects, Composition, Identification and classification, River sediments, Oil wells, Hydraulic fracturing
Human beings Effect of climate on., Environmental Health., Climatic changes Health aspects., Global warming Health aspects., 616.988, Dewey: 616.988
Dewey: 639.2, 639.2, Aquaculture Climatic factors., Fisheries Climatic factors.
Archaeology, Editors, Cultural heritage
conservation biology, enemy pressure and mutualism of coexisting species, niche breadth, evolution and conservatism, hybridization, assembly of present and fossil communities, competition, Life Sciences, Biodiversity, Environmental Sciences, Biodiversity and Ecology, Botanics, Vegetal Biology