4 resultados relacionados con "Janetos, A. C.".
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The effects of climate change on agriculture, land resources, water resources, and biodiversity in the United States

Biodiversity, Climatic changes, Environmental aspects, Agriculture, Biotic communities, Global temperature changes, Global warming, Water-supply

Año de publicación: 2009

Artículo de revista
Climate mitigation and the future of tropical landscapes

Climate change, Carbon dioxide, Agricultural production, MANAGEMENT, Environmental aspects, Climatic changes, Control, Deforestation, Emissions, Carbon Dioxide - analysis, Agriculture - trends, United States, Methods, Land use, Air quality management, Agronomy, Agricultural productivity, Conservation of Energy Resources - trends, Conservation of Energy Resou...

Año de publicación: 2010

Artículo de revista
Learning from the U.S. National Assessment of Climate Change Impacts

Año de publicación: 2005