3 resultados relacionados con "Guivarch,Celine".
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Artículo de revista
The Imaclim-R model: infrastructures, technical inertia and the costs of low carbon futures under imperfect foresight

Climate change, Environmental policy, Greenhouse gases, Research, Models, Meteorology/Climatology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Economics, Environmental sustainability, Air quality management, Humanities and Social Sciences, Economies and finances

Año de publicación: 2012

Artículo de revista
Climate policies as a hedge against the uncertainty on future oil supply: A letter

Meteorology/Climatology, Earth Sciences

Año de publicación: 2010

Artículo de revista
In the wake of Paris Agreement, scientists must embrace new directions for climate change research

Humanities and Social Sciences, Economies and finances

Año de publicación: 2016