5 resultados relacionados con "Griffin,Philippa C.".
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Sulfate minerals control dissolved rare earth element flux and Nd isotope signature of buoyant hydrothermal plume (EMSO-Azores, 37°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge)

Macaronesia, Earth Sciences, Oceanography, Océano Atlántico, Geochemistry, Azores, Precipitation (Meteorology), Sciences of the Universe, Sea-water, Mid-ocean ridges, Black smokers, EMSO-Azores, Hydrothermal, Hydrothermal fluids, Hydrothermal systems (Geology), Hydroxides, Magnetic alloys, Neodymium isotopes, Rare earth elements, Rare earth metals, Sulfate m...

Año de publicación: 2018

Artículo de revista
Snow cover and extreme winter warming events control flower abundance of some, but not all species in high arctic Svalbard

snow fence, C, D, extreme event, ryas octopetala, reproductive effort, assiope tetragona, S, growing season, mild periods, pitsbergen, climate change, snow depth

Año de publicación: 2013

Artículo de revista
Biological invasions, climate change and genomics

Climate change, Adaptation, MANAGEMENT, Nonnative species, invasive species, Genomics, Hybridization, decision framework, admixture

Año de publicación: 2015

The Cluster active archive: studying the Earth's space plasma environment / [editors] Harri Laakso, Matthew G.T.T. Taylor, C. Philippe Escoubet.

523.01, Cluster Mission (Spacecraft) Congresses., Dewey: 523.01, Plasma turbulence Congresses., Space plasmas Congresses.

Autores: Cluster Workshop
Año de publicación: 2009

Global climate change and human health: from science to practice / George Luber, Jay Lemery.

Human beings Effect of climate on., Environmental Health., Climatic changes Health aspects., Global warming Health aspects., 616.988, Dewey: 616.988

Año de publicación: 2015