4 resultados relacionados con "Gilbert, L.".
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Seashore life of Florida and the Caribbean

Marine invertebrates, Identification, Seashore animals, Seashore plants

Autores: Gilbert L. Voss
Año de publicación: 2002

Seashore life of Florida and the Caribbean: a guide to the common marine invertebrates of the Atlantic from Bermuda to the West Indies and of the Gulf of Mexico

Marine invertebrates, Seashore biology, Identification

Autores: Gilbert L. Voss
Año de publicación: 1976

Artículo de revista
Diet composition of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Frederick Sound, southeast Alaska: a comparison of quantification methods using scats to describe temporal and spatial variabilities

Analysis, Marine mammals, Methods, Fish, Predation, Seasons, Diet, Biomass, Fishes, Bioenergetics, biomass reconstruction, dietary index, restes durs, scat, reconstitution de la biomasse, indice alimentaire, otarie de Steller, excréments, otoliths, hard remains, régime alimentaire, otolites, Steller sea lion

Año de publicación: 2015

Artículo de revista
Altitudinal patterns of tick and host abundance: A potential role for climate change in regulating tick-borne diseases?

elevation, Lyme disease, Deer, Ixodes ricinus, Louping ill virus

Autores: Gilbert, L.
Año de publicación: 2010