Paleontology, Macaronésia, Oceano Atlântico, Azores, Fossils, Bioerosion, Carbonates, Geosites, Trace fossils, Ichnology, Monitorização, Governo_Açores
Interglacial periods, North Atlantic, Bio-construction, Last Interglacial, Rhodophyta, Volcanic oceanic islands, Evolução climática /Clima, Monitorização, Mac 2014-2020, Planclimac, Interreg, Governo_Açores, Macaronesia
Ecology, Analysis, Ocean bottom, Ocean, Azores, Basalt, Pico Island, Coralline red algae, Epibionts, Shelf transport, Monitorização, Governo_Açores
Case studies, Macaronésia, Oceano Atlântico, Azores, Evolution, Volcanic islands, Topographic reconstruction, Coastal talus-platforms (fajãs), Lagoons, Spit bars and coastal barriers, Planeamento sustentável, Governo_Açores
Shallow water, Atlantic coast, ridge and runnel, crescents, spot mapping, morphodynamics
Environment, Science, Oceanography, Analysis, Coastal ecosystems, Tide pool ecology, Sediment transport, Rock cycle, Topographical drawing, Engineering and Technology, Waterfront development, Atlantic coast, ridge and runnel beach, Spot image analysis, rhythmic sandbank morphodynamics, subtidal crescents