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9 resultados relacionados con "Cree,A.".
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Last stand of the Lubicon Cree

Cree Indians, Government relations, Land tenure, Indians, Treatment of, Claims

Autores: John Goddard
Año de publicación: 1991

Artículo de revista
Broad Implications of Southern United States Pine Clonal Forestry on Planning and Management of Forests

Environment, forest management, tree improvement, clonal technology

Año de publicación: 2009

Artículo de revista
Integrating physiology into conservation: an approach to help guide translocations of a rare reptile in a warming environment

Climate change, CONSERVATION, Global temperature changes, Physiological aspects, Physiology, Reptiles, translocation, thermal biology, Sphenodon punctatus

Año de publicación: 2011

Artículo de revista

Food supply, Studies, Weather, Birds, Research, Physiological aspects, Animal behavior, Effects, Reproduction, Females, Animal reproduction, laying date, Breeding, clutch size, Tree Swallow, reproductive success, female condition, Tachycineta bicolor, Swallows

Año de publicación: 2005

Artículo de revista
Climate Change, Multiple Stressors, and the Decline of Ectotherms

Environmental aspects, Adaptation, cambio climático, Conservation biology, climate change, Animal behavior, contaminación, pollution, global warming, Water conservation, Ambystoma - physiology, amphibian decline, Amphibians, Animal - drug effects, Animal - physiology, Atrazina, atrazine, Behavior, Biological - physiology, calentamiento global, critical therm...

Año de publicación: 2013

Artículo de revista
Sustainable development goals for global health: facilitating good governance in a complex environment

International organizations, GOVERNANCE, Sustainable development, Forecasts and trends, Intervention, Health, Civil society, article, Sustainable urban development, ISSUES IN CURRENT POLICY, The health goal and the right to health, Health Care Services, Interest Groups, globalization complexity science sustainable development goals global health governance g...

Autores: Haffeld, Just
Año de publicación: 2013

Climate, environment and Cree observations: James Bay Territory, Canada

Science, TRADITIONAL ECOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE, Ecology, Climatic changes, Environmental conditions, Indigenous peoples, Cree Indians

Año de publicación: 2016

Confrontan a Trump sobre el cambio climático y su respuesta es ridícula: El cinismo del presidente Trump tras el paso de los huracanes Harvey e Irma levanta ampolla

Año de publicación: 2017

Artículo de revista
Influence of Livestock Grazing and Climate on Pinyon Pine (Pinus edulis) Dynamics

Climate change, Drought, Influence, Ecosystems, land use change, Trees, Environmental management, Livestock, Tree growth, woody encroachment, Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument, tree ring, woodland expansion, age structure, pinyon, Range management

Año de publicación: 2009