Analysis, Animals, Biobío region, Chile, Ecosystem, Environmental Monitoring - methods, Fish species, Fishes - metabolism, FTIR, Gastrointestinal Contents - chemistry, Microfibers, Microplastics, Oceans and Seas, Plastics - analysis, Plastics - metabolism, Polyethylene terephthalate, Polymer industry, Seafood - analysis, Water Pollutants, Chemical - analysis...
Research, Atmospheric carbon dioxide
Industries, Prehistoric, Themes, motives, Pottery
Knowledge, Sustainable development, Methods, Decision making, Learning, Collaboration
Climatic changes, Ecology, SCIENCE, Earth Sciences Meteorology \& Climatology, Climate change, Environmental management, Earth sciences, Atmospheric sciences, Australia, New Zealand, Oceania
Climate change, Science, Atmospheric Sciences, Ecology, Climatic changes, Earth Sciences, Environmental management, New Zealand, Australia, Earth Sciences Meteorology & Climatology, Oceania
Sustainable development, Technological change, Learning, Innovations, Technology application, Political power
Knowledge, MANAGEMENT, Sustainable development, Natural resource management, Sustainable agriculture, Comparative analysis, Stakeholders, Knowledge, MANAGEMENT, Sustainable development, Natural resource management, Sustainable agriculture, Comparative analysis, Stakeholders
MANAGEMENT, Sustainable development, Agriculture - trends, Agriculture - standards, Livestock, Breeding, Agriculture - education, Service development
Science, Social Sciences, Research, Sustainable development, Planning, Agriculture - methods, Air Pollution - prevention & control, Biological Sciences, Science and Technology for Sustainable Development Special Feature
Macaronesia, Analysis, Storms, Soil, Madeira, Above-ground biomass, Carbon stocks, Density of stems, Determinants of plant community diversity and structure, Purus-Madeira interfluve, Tropical forest, Macaronésia, Macaronésia, Macaronésia, Macaronésia, Macaronésia, Macaronesian, Macaronésia, Macaronesian, Macaronésie, Macaronésia, Macaronesian, Macaronésie,...
Landscapes, Social aspects, Political aspects, Cultural landscapes, National parks and reserves, Visual communication
History, Architecture, Architects, Domestic, Wurster, William Wilson
Archaeology, Editors, Cultural heritage
conservation biology, enemy pressure and mutualism of coexisting species, niche breadth, evolution and conservatism, hybridization, assembly of present and fossil communities, competition, Life Sciences, Biodiversity, Environmental Sciences, Biodiversity and Ecology, Botanics, Vegetal Biology