Water, Environmental costs, Flow regulation, Valuation, Environmental impact, BIODIVERSITY, MANAGEMENT, IRRIGATION, WATER RESOURCES, RIVER, SOUTHERN SPAIN, TRENDS, REGIMES, RESPONSES, ENGINEERING, CIVIL, INFORM, EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE, Case studies, Water use, Hydraulic measurements, Environmental law, Transparency, Costs, Water management, Methodology, Ecosyst...
Longitudinal connectivity, Graph theory, Fish passability, Directional networks, Asymmetric dispersal, Riverscapes, HABITAT PATCHES, RESTORATION, GRAPH-THEORY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, FISH PASSAGE, CONSERVATION, REMOVAL, AVAILABILITY, MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, LIMNOLOGY, LANDSCAPE CONNECTIVITY, INDEXES, WATER, Dams, Design and construction, Networks, Meth...
Sediment yield, Olive grove, Soil erosion, Sediment impacts, Fish species, MANAGEMENT, YIELD, DISCHARGE, RESERVOIRS, STREAMS, MODELS, LIMNOLOGY, DAMS, SPAIN, Ecosystem components, Geomorphology, Analysis, Fishes, Rivers, Sediments (Geology), Sediment transport
Ecohydraulics, Hydropower, Hydropeaking, Short-term flow fluctuation, Flow regulation, Graphical characterization, UNITED-STATES, MANAGEMENT, TIME SCALES, HYDROLOGIC ALTERATION, RIVER, VARIABILITY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, STREAMS, TROUT SALMO-TRUTTA, IMPACTS, ECOSYSTEMS, Biological Sciences, Naturvetenskap, Biologiska vetenskaper, Ecology, Natural Sciences,...
river restoration, natural flow regime, fuzzy cognitive mapping, river rehabilitation, flow alteration, habitat alteration, river management, ENVIRONMENTAL FLOWS, KNOWLEDGE, ECOLOGY, RESTORATION, Ecological restoration, Hydraulic measurements, Analysis, Environmental degradation, Sediments (Geology)
Animals, Macaronésia, Oceano Atlântico, Azores, Anti-Bacterial Agents, Wild Rabbit, Methicillin, Microbial Sensitivity Tests, Staphylococcal, Monitorização, Mac 2014-2020, Governo_Açores
Anthropogenic fraction, Percentage of leaching, Digestion methods, Sediments, Copper - chemistry, Nickel - chemistry, Ecosystem, Environmental Monitoring - methods, Geologic Sediments - chemistry, Water Pollutants, Chemical - chemistry, Gulf of Mexico, Lead - chemistry, Life Sciences
Cuba, Multivariate Analysis, Water Pollution, Chemical - analysis, Geologic Sediments - analysis, Bays, Environmental Monitoring - methods, Metals, Heavy - analysis, Biological Availability, Arsenic - analysis, Water Pollutants, Chemical - analysis