Environment, Earth Sciences, Geophysics, Dewey: 551, Geophysics--Periodicals, Dewey: 550, Lunar geology--Periodicals, Planets--Periodicals, LCSH: Geophysics, LCSH: Lunar geology, LCSH: Planets, Lunar geology, Planets, Madden Julian Oscillation--equatorial waves--air sea interaction--Indian Ocean--equatorial Rossby waves--equatorial jets
beach ridges, sea-level change, coastal deposits, glacio-isostasy, Patagonia, Holocene, marine terraces, Terraces (Geology), Waterfront development, Paleogeography, Shorelines, Geomorphology, Coastal plains, Beaches, Earth science, Sea level, Tides
fjord, baroclinic annular mode, Patagonia, pycnocline, Atmospheric pressure, Wind
CINDY2011/DYNAMO, atmospheric convection, air‐sea interactions, convectively coupled Kelvin waves, Madden‐Julian oscillations, equatorial waves, Ocean-atmosphere interaction, Ocean temperature, Meteorology, Precipitation (meteorology), Sea surface, Tropical climates, Tropical rainfall, Kelvin waves, Wind velocity, Surface temperature, Waves, Latent heat flux...
Oceanography--Periodicals, Dewey: 551.4605, equatorial Kelvin waves--turbidity currents--Middle America Trench--Ocean Drilling Program--heat transport--bottom water temperature
Achieved sediment samples, Benthic environments, Benthos, Estuaries, Mesoplastics, Plastic fragments, Sediments (Geology), Shorelines, Strandline, Urban beach
Macaronesia, Analysis, Storms, Soil, Madeira, Above-ground biomass, Carbon stocks, Density of stems, Determinants of plant community diversity and structure, Purus-Madeira interfluve, Tropical forest, Macaronésia, Macaronésia, Macaronésia, Macaronésia, Macaronésia, Macaronesian, Macaronésia, Macaronesian, Macaronésie, Macaronésia, Macaronesian, Macaronésie,...
Islands, Biogeography, Magma, island biogeography, Volcanic islands, trait evolution, diversity theory, island evolution, general dynamic model, archipelago, Chemical Sciences