3 resultados relacionados con "Brooks, H. E.".
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Artículo de revista
Nitrogen dynamics in arctic tundra soils of varying age: differential responses to fertilization and warming

Tundras, Ecosystems, Biology, ECOSYSTEM ECOLOGY, Soil treatment, Soil biochemistry, Reproduction, Agronomy, Botany, Agriculture, Soil science, Acid soils, Agrology, Fertilization, Developmental biology, Soil heating, Biomes, Ecology, Plants, Organic soils, Soils, Agricultural sciences, Edaphology, Soil biology, Biological sciences, Tundra soils, Soil ecology...

Año de publicación: 2013

Artículo de revista
Preliminary investigation into the severe thunderstorm environment of Europe simulated by the Community Climate System Model 3

Año de publicación: 2009

Artículo de revista
Changes in severe thunderstorm environment frequency during the 21st century caused by anthropogenically enhanced global radiative forcing

Año de publicación: 2007