2 resultados relacionados con "Brümmer,Monika".
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Artículo de revista
The influence of the type of lime on the hygric behaviour and bio-receptivity of hemp lime composites used for rendering applications in sustainable new construction and repair works

Microbial Consortia - physiology, POLLUTANTS, Microorganisms, Water - chemistry, Cement, Construction, Construction Materials - microbiology, Cannabis - chemistry, Calcium Compounds - chemistry, Oxides - chemistry, Composite materials, Heat conductivity, Historic buildings & sites, Cellulose, Hydrogen bonds, Hemp

Año de publicación: 2015

Artículo de revista
The Influence of the Type of Lime on the Hygric Behaviour and Bio-Receptivity of Hemp Lime Composites Used for Rendering Applications in Sustainable New Construction and Repair Works: e0125520

POLLUTANTS, Microorganisms, Cement, Construction, Composite materials, Heat conductivity, Historic buildings & sites, Cellulose, Hydrogen bonds, Hemp

Año de publicación: 2015