2 resultados relacionados con "Baeten,Lander".
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Artículo de revista
Plant Biodiversity Change Across Scales During the Anthropocene

Global warming, CONSERVATION, species richness, Biological diversity, Habitats, Vegetation, Environmental aspects, Climatic changes, Observations, Biodiversity, Extinction, Nonnative species, Flowers & plants, Genetic aspects, Plant populations, Species diversity, Tropical regions, Habitat fragmentation, Plant communities, Congeners, Conversion, Species

Año de publicación: 2017

Artículo de revista
Forest herbs in the face of global change: a single-species-multiple-threats approach for Anemone nemorosa

Climate change, Forest biodiversity, land use change, eutrophication, Acidification, WOOD ANEMONE, ANEMONE NEMOROSA L, FOREST CONVERSION, ANCIENT WOODLAND

Año de publicación: 2010