2 resultados relacionados con "Arne Eide".
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Artículo de revista
An integrated study of economic effects of and vulnerabilities to global warming on the Barents Sea cod fisheries

Geosciences, Meteorology/Climatology, Cod-fisheries, Environmental impact analysis, Economic aspects, Environmental aspects, Influence, Climatic changes, Models, Management, Methods, Climate change, Fish, Global warming, Fisheries management, Ecosystem studies

Autores: Arne Eide
Año de publicación: 2008

Artículo de revista
A participatory scenario method to explore the future of marine social‐ecological systems

Agricultural and Veterinary sciences, Agricultural Science, Forestry and Fisheries, Agriculture and fishery disciplines: 900, Barents Sea, Continental interfaces, environment, Environmental Sciences, Fisheries science: 920, Fiskerifag: 920, future studies, Landbruks- og Fiskerifag: 900, Lantbruksvetenskap och veterinärmedicin, Lantbruksvetenskap, skogsbruk o...

Año de publicación: 2019