2 resultados relacionados con "Alessio Rovere".
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Artículo de revista
Emergence and evolution of Santa Maria Island (Azores); the conundrum of uplifted islands revisited

Neogene, Macaronesia, Océano Atlántico, Azores, volcanoes, Atlantic Ocean, Pliocene, Quaternary, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, absolute age, Anjos Complex, Ar/Ar, Atlantic Ocean Islands, Cenozoic, crustal thickening, dates, lithosphere, marine terraces, neotectonics, Pico Alto Complex, Quaternary geology, reconstruction, Santa Maria Island, shield volcanoes, shore fea...

Año de publicación: 2016

Artículo de revista
Giant boulders and Last Interglacial storm intensity in the North Atlantic

Cliffs, Hurricanes, Geological time, Sea level, Flooding, Waves, Boulders, Geological surveys, Storms, Coastal areas, Historical account, Cyclones, Coastal zones, Sea level changes, Mathematical models

Año de publicación: 2017