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How to change minds about our changing climate: let science do the talking the next time someone tries to tell you . : the climate isn't changing : global warming is actually a good thing : climate change is natural, not man-made : . and other arguments i

Global warming, Climatic changes, Social aspects, Environmental education

Año de publicación: 2014

Artículo de revista
Native microhabitats better predict tolerance to warming than latitudinal macro‐climatic variables in arid‐zone plants

Climate change, species distributions, arid‐zone, desert plants, warming tolerance, high temperature stress, thermal damage threshold

Año de publicación: 2016

Artículo de revista
More crucial than oil scarcity: climate change policies for a sustainable Libya

Climate change, Environmental policy, Climatic changes, Sustainable development, Europe, scarcity, Sustainability, desalination, Exports, Oil, Solar energy, Public policy and climate, M2 551.583:Variations (551.583), M3 1010:Issues in Sustainable Development, Sustainability Science Abstracts, Pumps, Libya, profits, Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts

Autores: Goodland, Robert
Año de publicación: 2007